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The Development of Hydroelectricity After 1900 [Historical]
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-14 , DOI: 10.1109/mie.2023.3323909
Massimo Guarnieri 1

The development of hydroelectricity, which started in the late 19th century [1], greatly expanded in the early 20th century to provide high-power long-distance electricity transmission. In 1907, the run-of-the-river Croton Hydroelectric Plant in Michigan, USA, entered service. Two turbine-driven Westinghouse generators, each rated at 3,750 kVA, 7.5 kV, and 60 Hz, fed step-up transformers to power the Croton-Grand Rapids 80-km line working at a record voltage of 100 kV, which was increased to 110 kV in 1909. This system opened the way to very high-voltage and consistently very long power transmission [2]. In the same year (1907), a hydroelectric power station rated at 22 MW was put into service at the Svelgfoss Waterfall on the Tinnelv River, Norway. It was the second largest in the world, after the Niagara Power Station.



水力发电的发展始于19世纪末[1],并在20世纪初得到极大扩展,提供大功率长距离电力输送。 1907年,美国密歇根州的径流式克罗顿水电站投入使用。两台涡轮驱动的 Westinghouse 发电机,每台额定功率为 3,750 kVA、7.5 kV 和 60 Hz,为升压变压器供电,为 Croton-Grand Rapids 80 公里线路供电,该线路的电压创纪录地达到 100 kV,现已增加到 110 kV 1909 年 kV。该系统为超高压和持续超长距离的电力传输开辟了道路 [2]。同年(1907年),一座额定22兆瓦的水力发电站在挪威廷内尔夫河上的斯维尔格瀑布投入使用。它是世界第二大发电站,仅次于尼亚加拉发电站。