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Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization of the Dewar Isomer of 1,2-Azaborinine, a B–N Isostere of Benzene
ACS Macro Letters ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-14 , DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.3c00601
Huina Lin 1 , Xinyu Yang 2 , Shih-Yuan Liu 2 , Frieder Jäkle 1

The successful polymerization of the Dewar isomer of an azaborinine heterocycle is reported. Controlled ring-opening metathesis polymerization was accomplished with Grubbs and Hoveya–Grubbs second generation catalysts (G2, HG2), as well as a Z-selective Ru catalyst (HGM2001). The structure of the polymers containing 4-membered B–N heterocycles was verified by GPC and multinuclear and 2D NMR. Differences in stereochemistry of polymers derived from G2/HG2 versus the Z-selective catalyst HGM2001 were substantiated by 2D NOESY, FT-IR, and Raman analyses. The incorporation of B–N heterocycles into these polymer structures is promising as a route to functional polymers that contain polar side groups.


1,2-氮杂草嘌呤(苯的 B-N 等排体)的杜瓦异构体的开环复分解聚合

据报道,氮杂环的杜瓦异构体成功聚合。使用 Grubbs 和 Hoveya-Grubbs 第二代催化剂 (G2, HG2) 以及 Z 选择性 Ru 催化剂 (HGM2001) 完成受控开环复分解聚合。含有 4 元 B-N 杂环的聚合物的结构通过 GPC 和多核和 2D NMR 验证。2D NOESY、FT-IR 和拉曼分析证实了 G2/HG2 聚合物与 Z 选择性催化剂HGM2001的立体化学差异。将 B-N 杂环掺入这些聚合物结构中是有希望的,可以作为获得包含极性侧基的功能性聚合物的途径。