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“I wasn’t Enrolled”: Exploring the Educational Narratives of Black Caribbean Youth Navigating Out-of-Home Care in Ontario’s Child Welfare System
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-023-00955-8
Travonne Edwards , Maria Brisbane , Andre Laylor , Rasnat Chowdhury , Henry Parada , Bryn King

The educational system is the leading referral source for Black families involved in Ontario’s child system. Across both the education and child welfare systems, Black youth face disparities and numerous challenges such as instability, isolation, and difficulty navigating relationships with peers and staff. Though it is established that Black youth experience challenging circumstances and poor outcomes across both these systems, there remains a gap in Canadian research examining how these impacts interlock and shape the educational experiences of Black youth in out-of-home care (OOHC). Employing Anti-Black Racism Theory, this study examines the educational narratives of Black Caribbean youth navigating Ontario’s child welfare system. Utilizing a narrative approach, this study analyzes 27 interviews with Black Caribbean youth. Three main narratives were identified: (1) child maltreatment allegations and apprehensions; (2) educational absenteeism and its consequences; and (3) poor relationships with teachers and classmates. These narratives illuminate how anti-Black racism shapes the experiences of Black Caribbean youth navigating child protection and educational systems. We offer a series of policy, practice, and research recommendations for both child welfare and education workers to provide more comprehensive supports for Black Caribbean youth in OOHC while they are attending school. These recommendations include: (1) training educators on child maltreatment referrals; (2) informing Black youth about their rights and available resources; and (3) clarifying and streamlining school enrollment procedures for youth in OOHC.



教育系统是参与安大略省儿童系统的黑人家庭的主要转介来源。在教育和儿童福利系统中,黑人青年面临着不平等和众多挑战,例如不稳定、孤立以及难以处理与同龄人和工作人员的关系。尽管黑人青少年在这两个系统中都经历了充满挑战的环境和糟糕的结果,但加拿大在研究这些影响如何相互关联并塑造黑人青少年在户外护理 (OOHC) 中的教育经历方面仍存在差距。本研究采用反黑人种族主义理论,探讨了加勒比黑人青年在安大略省儿童福利系统中的教育叙述。本研究采用叙事方法,分析了 27 次对加勒比黑人青年的采访。确定了三个主要叙述:(1)虐待儿童的指控和担忧; (二)教育缺勤及其后果; (3)与老师、同学关系不好。这些叙述阐明了反黑人种族主义如何影响加勒比黑人青年在儿童保护和教育系统中的经历。我们为儿童福利和教育工作者提供一系列政策、实践和研究建议,为 OOHC 中的加勒比黑人青年在上学期间提供更全面的支持。这些建议包括:(1) 对教育工作者进行儿童虐待转介方面的培训; (2) 让黑人青年了解他们的权利和可用资源; (3) 澄清和简化 OOHC 青少年的入学程序。
