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Seed-like Hollow Nanoparticles by a Dynamic Interfacial-Tension-Controlled Polar Growth Strategy
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-14 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c02137
Meng Dang 1 , Ruifa Yu 2 , Xiaolin Han 2 , Lixin Shao 2 , Jiajia Zhao 2 , Zhi Ding 3 , Xuzhi Shi 2 , Guihua Zhu 1 , Jun Tao 2 , Jin Mo 4 , Hao Sun 4 , Junfen Sun 1 , Wei Luo 1 , Zhaogang Teng 2

Hollow nanomaterials have attracted significant interest. However, developing an effective growth mechanism for synthesizing seed-like hollow nanoparticles (SHNPs) with tailored structures still remains challenging. In this study, we developed a dynamic interfacial-tension-controlled polar growth strategy to synthesize SHNPs with a narrow size distribution using a metal–organic coordination compound. The synthesis was performed in an oil-in-water emulsion system comprising disulfiram (DSF) oil nanodroplets and cis-dichlorodiamine platinum(II) (Cpt) aqueous phases. The DSF nanodroplets exhibited dynamic interfacial tension owing to the gradual consumption of DSF molecules, resulting in the polar growth of DSF nanodroplets from a spherical to anisotropic seed-like morphology. This method produced seed-like hollow nanostructures with tailored morphologies, such as pomegranate, peanut, bean sprout, and pistachio structures and desired lengths. Additionally, we constructed a seed-like nanomotor by loading small platinum (Pt) nanoparticles onto the surface of SHNPs, which exhibit an enhanced diffusion coefficient and exceptional oriented movement in response to the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) fuel.



空心纳米材料引起了人们的极大兴趣。然而,开发一种有效的生长机制来合成具有定制结构的种子状空心纳米颗粒(SHNP)仍然具有挑战性。在这项研究中,我们开发了一种动态界面张力控制的极性生长策略,使用金属有机配位化合物合成具有窄尺寸分布的SHNP。该合成是在包含双硫仑(DSF)油纳米滴和顺式二氯二胺铂(II)(Cpt)水相的水包油乳液系统中进行的。由于DSF分子的逐渐消耗,DSF纳米液滴表现出动态界面张力,导致DSF纳米液滴从球形到各向异性种子状形态的极性生长。这种方法产生了具有定制形态的种子状中空纳米结构,例如石榴、花生、豆芽和开心果结构以及所需的长度。此外,我们通过将小型铂 (Pt) 纳米颗粒负载到 SHNP 表面来构建了一种种子状纳米电机,该纳米电机表现出增强的扩散系数和响应过氧化氢 (H 2 O 2 ) 燃料的特殊定向运动。