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Diverse Gender Identity Development: A Qualitative Synthesis and Development of a New Contemporary Framework
Sex Roles ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s11199-023-01438-x
Molly Speechley , Jaimee Stuart , Kathryn L. Modecki

Traditional models of gender identity development for individuals who do not identify with their assigned birth sex have generally treated medical intervention as normative, and non-binary identification as relatively rare. However, changing demographics within gender diverse populations have highlighted the need for an updated framework of gender identity development. To address this gap in the research, this study systematically reviewed the qualitative literature assessing the lived experiences of identity development of over 1,758 gender diverse individuals, across 72 studies. Reflexive thematic analysis of excerpts were synthesised to produce a novel, integrative perspective on identity development, referred to as the Diverse Gender Identity Framework. The framework is inclusive of binary and non-binary identities and characterises the distinctive identity processes individuals undergo across development.



对于不认同其出生性别的个体,传统的性别认同发展模式通常将医疗干预视为规范,而非二元认同相对较少。然而,性别多样化人群中人口结构的变化凸显了对性别认同发展框架进行更新的必要性。为了弥补研究中的这一差距,本研究系统地回顾了定性文献,评估了 72 项研究中超过 1,758 名性别多样化个体的身份发展生活经历。对摘录的反思性主题分析被综合起来,产生了一种关于身份发展的新颖的、综合的视角,被称为“多元化性别认同框架”。该框架包含二元和非二元身份,并描述了个人在发展过程中经历的独特身份过程。
