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Assessing vocabulary of bilingual German-Turkish preschool children
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s1366728923000822
Madlen Mangold , Wolfgang Lenhard , Julia Schindler , Daniel Schulz , Tobias Richter

The vocabulary of bilingual children is determined by various linguistic factors that develop depending on the language input and individual factors of these children. To understand vocabulary development and to be able to support these children accordingly, the assessment instruments essentially need to be adapted to this individual process. The current study examined factors influencing productive vocabulary performance by means of explanatory item-response models on a sample of 126 German monolingual and Turkish—German bilingual preschool children aged between 3 and 6 years. We analyzed item features with respect to lexical category, length, frequency, age of acquisition, and complexity in dependence of the language background of the children. Apart from a general delay in the development and some language specific characteristics, the results indicate a parallel shifted acquisition of vocabulary in bilingual children, which is nonetheless shaped by the same factors as in monolinguals.



双语儿童的词汇量由各种语言因素决定,这些因素取决于这些儿童的语言输入和个人因素。为了理解词汇的发展并能够相应地支持这些孩子,评估工具基本上需要适应这个单独的过程。目前的研究通过解释性项目响应模型对 126 名 3 至 6 岁的德国单语和土耳其-德国双语学龄前儿童的样本检查了影响生产词汇表现的因素。我们根据儿童的语言背景分析了词汇类别、长度、频率、习得年龄和复杂性方面的项目特征。除了普遍的发展延迟和一些语言特有的特征外,结果表明双语儿童的词汇习得发生了平行的变化,但这是由与单语儿童相同的因素塑造的。
