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Understanding Contemporary Career Success: A Critical Review
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-08 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-120920-051543
Scott Seibert 1 , Jos Akkermans 2 , Cheng-Huan (Jerry) Liu 1

This article provides a critical review of developments in the literature on career success. We review work from both the organizational psychology (OP) and organizational behavior (OB) disciplines, highlighting the different perspectives, strengths, and weaknesses of each area, and attempt to reconcile these perspectives on career success to suggest productive new research directions. First, the article reflects on conceptualizations of objective and subjective career success and their relative value to the field. We then discuss several categories of career success predictors drawn from economic, sociological, and social-psychological perspectives used in OP and OB. These include human capital, internal and external labor markets, sponsorship and social capital, stable and malleable individual differences, and career self-management behaviors. We provide research suggestions within each of those sections as well as an integrative research agenda built around several emerging issues and theoretical perspectives, encouraging future research on the implications of sustainable careers, career shocks, marginalized group experiences, and alternative employment arrangements for career success.



本文对职业成功文献的发展进行了批判性回顾。我们回顾了组织心理学(OP)和组织行为(OB)学科的工作,突出了每个领域的不同观点、优势和劣势,并试图协调这些关于职业成功的观点,以提出富有成效的新研究方向。首先,本文反思了客观和主观职业成功的概念及其对该领域的相对价值。然后,我们讨论从 OP 和 OB 中使用的经济、社会学和社会心理学角度得出的几类职业成功预测因素。其中包括人力资本、内部和外部劳动力市场、赞助和社会资本、稳定和可塑的个体差异以及职业自我管理行为。我们在每个部分中提供研究建议,以及围绕几个新出现的问题和理论观点建立的综合研究议程,鼓励未来研究可持续职业、职业冲击、边缘群体经历和替代就业安排对职业成功的影响。