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Improving the Retrieval of High-Frequency Surface Waves Using Convolution-Based Three-Station Interferometry for Dense Linear Arrays
Surveys in Geophysics ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10712-023-09816-6
Bo Guan , Jianghai Xia , Ya Liu , Chaoqiang Xi , Binbin Mi , Hao Zhang , Jingyin Pang , Baiyang You

The retrieval of surface waves from ambient noise is important for delineating the solid earth’s near-surface structures, especially in urban environments. Seismic interferometry (SI) with linear arrays is becoming popular in urban areas with abundant anthropogenic noise. However, retrieving the noise correlation functions (NCFs) is usually challenging for a dense linear array under the demand of short-time recordings and the limited number of stations in urban environments. We comprehensively compare the SI and three-station interferometry, and the results show that the convolution-based three-station interferometry can accurately retrieve the NCFs using short-time recordings for dense linear arrays from traffic-induced noise. A synthetic example demonstrates the superiority of the convolution-based three-station interferometry over the traditional SI and the correlation-based three-station interferometry. Results from two field examples validate the convolution-based three-station interferometry for linear arrays deployed synchronously and asynchronously and confirm its advantage for multi-component data. We conclude that the convolution-based three-station interferometry performs better because it makes better use of linear arrays with short-time recordings and retrieves higher-quality NCFs.



从环境噪声中检索表面波对于描绘固体地球的近地表结构非常重要,尤其是在城市环境中。线性阵列地震干涉测量 (SI) 在人为噪声丰富的城市地区越来越流行。然而,在短时间记录的需求和城市环境中站点数量有限的情况下,对于密集的线性阵列来说,检索噪声相关函数(NCF)通常具有挑战性。我们全面比较了 SI 和三站干涉测量,结果表明基于卷积的三站干涉测量可以利用短时记录从交通引起的噪声中准确地检索密集线性阵列的 NCF。综合例子证明了基于卷积的三站干涉测量相对于传统SI和基于相关的三站干涉测量的优越性。两个现场实例的结果验证了基于卷积的三站干涉测量用于同步和异步部署的线性阵列,并证实了其对于多分量数据的优势。我们得出的结论是,基于卷积的三站干涉测量性能更好,因为它更好地利用了短时间记录的线性阵列并检索了更高质量的 NCF。
