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Benzotriazole Ultraviolet Stabilizers (BUVSs) as Potential Protein Kinase Antagonists in Rice
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-07 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c06839
Jie Chen 1, 2 , Wei Wang 1, 2 , Dingjiang Chen 1, 3 , Lizhong Zhu 1, 2

The ubiquitous occurrence of benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers (BUVSs) in the environment and organisms has warned of their potential ecological and health risks. Studies showed that some BUVSs exerted immune and chronic toxicities to animals by disturbing signaling transduction, yet limited research has investigated the toxic effects on crop plants and the underlying mechanisms of signaling regulation. Herein, a laboratory-controlled hydroponic experiment was conducted on rice to explore the phytotoxicity of BUVSs by integrating conventional biochemical experiments, transcriptomic analysis, competitive sorption assays, and computational studies. The results showed that BUVSs inhibited the growth of rice by 6.30–20.4% by excessively opening the leaf stomas, resulting in increased transpiration. BUVSs interrupted the transduction of abscisic acid (ABA) signal through competitively binding to Ca2+-dependent protein kinase (CDPK), weakening the CDPK phosphorylation and further inhibiting the downstream signaling. As structural analogues of ATP, BUVSs acted as potential ABA signaling antagonists, leading to physiological dysfunction in mediating stomatal closure under stresses. This is the first comprehensive study elucidating the effects of BUVSs on the function of key proteins and the associated signaling transduction in plants and providing insightful information for the risk evaluation and control of BUVSs.


苯并三唑紫外线稳定剂 (BUVS) 作为水稻中潜在的蛋白激酶拮抗剂

环境和生物体中普遍存在的苯并三唑紫外线稳定剂(BUVS)已经警告人们其潜在的生态和健康风险。研究表明,一些 BUVS 通过干扰信号转导对动物产生免疫和慢性毒性,但有限的研究调查了对作物的毒性作用以及信号调节的潜在机制。在此,我们在水稻上进行了实验室控制的水培实验,通过结合传统的生化实验、转录组分析、竞争吸附测定和计算研究来探索 BUVS 的植物毒性。结果表明,BUVSs通过过度打开叶片气孔,导致蒸腾作用增加,抑制水稻生长6.30-20.4%。 BUVSs通过竞争性结合Ca 2+依赖性蛋白激酶(CDPK)来中断脱落酸(ABA)信号的转导,削弱CDPK磷酸化并进一步抑制下游信号传导。作为 ATP 的结构类似物,BUVS 充当潜在的 ABA 信号拮抗剂,导致在压力下介导气孔关闭的生理功能障碍。这是第一项阐明BUVS对植物关键蛋白功能和相关信号转导影响的综合研究,为BUVS的风险评估和控制提供了深入的信息。