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Predictors of Health-Related Quality of Life in Neurodivergent Children: A Systematic Review
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10567-023-00462-3
Maryam Mahjoob 1, 2 , Tithi Paul 2 , Julia Carbone 2 , Harshit Bokadia 2 , Robyn E Cardy 2 , Souraiya Kassam 1, 2 , Evdokia Anagnostou 1, 2 , Brendan F Andrade 3, 4 , Melanie Penner 1, 2 , Azadeh Kushki 1, 2

Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) is a multi-faceted construct influenced by a myriad of environmental, demographic, and individual characteristics. Our understanding of these influencers remains highly limited in neurodevelopmental conditions. Existing research in this area is sparse, highly siloed by diagnosis labels, and focused on symptoms. This review synthesized the evidence in this area using a multi-dimensional model of HRQoL and trans-diagnostically across neurodevelopmental conditions. The systematic review, conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Checklist, was completed in June 2023 using Medline, PsycInfo, Embase, PubMed, and Cochrane Library. Our search revealed 78 studies that examined predictors of HRQoL in neurodevelopmental conditions. The majority of these studies focused on autism and ADHD with a paucity of literature in other conditions. Cross-diagnosis investigations were limited despite the fact that many of the examined predictors transcend diagnostic boundaries. Significant gaps were revealed in domains of biology/physiology, functioning, health perceptions, and environmental factors. Very preliminary evidence suggested potentially shared predictors of HRQoL across conditions including positive associations between HRQoL and adaptive functioning, male sex/gender, positive self-perception, physical activity, resources, and positive family context, and negative associations with diagnostic features and mental health symptoms. Studies of transdiagnostic predictors across neurodevelopmental conditions are critically needed to enable care models that address shared needs of neurodivergent individuals beyond diagnostic boundaries. Further understanding of HRQoL from the perspective of neurodivergent communities is a critical area of future work.



健康相关生活质量 (HRQoL) 是一个多方面的概念,受到多种环境、人口和个人特征的影响。我们对这些影响因素的理解在神经发育条件下仍然非常有限。该领域的现有研究很少,诊断标签高度孤立,并且重点关注症状。这篇综述使用 HRQoL 的多维模型和跨神经发育状况的跨诊断综合了该领域的证据。系统评价根据系统评价和荟萃分析清单的首选报告项目进行,于 2023 年 6 月使用 Medline、PsycInfo、Embase、PubMed 和 Cochrane 图书馆完成。我们的搜索揭示了 78 项研究,这些研究检查了神经发育状况中 HRQoL 的预测因素。这些研究大部分集中在自闭症和多动症方面,其他方面的文献很少。尽管许多检查的预测因素超越了诊断界限,但交叉诊断调查仍然有限。生物学/生理学、功能、健康认知和环境因素领域存在显着差距。非常初步的证据表明,HRQoL 在不同条件下可能具有共同的预测因素,包括 HRQoL 与适应性功能、男性性别/性别、积极的自我认知、体力活动、资源和积极的家庭环境之间的正相关,以及与诊断特征和心理健康症状的负相关。迫切需要对跨神经发育状况的跨诊断预测因子进行研究,以实现能够满足诊断边界之外的神经分歧个体的共同需求的护理模型。 从神经分化群体的角度进一步理解 HRQoL 是未来工作的一个关键领域。
