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Frequency jumps and subharmonic components in calls of female Odorrana tormota differentially affect the vocal behaviors of male frogs
Frontiers in Zoology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-08 , DOI: 10.1186/s12983-023-00517-9
Yatao Wu , Xiuli Luo , Pan Chen , Fang Zhang

Studies have demonstrated that the sounds of animals from many taxa with nonlinear phenomena (NLP)—caused by nonlinear characteristics of vocal organ dynamics that lead to nonlinear vocal phenomena—can influence the behavior of receivers. However, the specific functions of different NLP components have received less attention. In most frog species, females produce few or no vocalizations; in contrast, female Odorrana tormota exhibit a diverse range of calls that are rich in NLP components. Previous field playbacks have shown that the female calls can elicit responses from male frogs. Therefore, we conducted a phonotaxis experiment to investigate the differential effects of different NLP calls by female O. tormota on the vocal behavior of male frogs. The results revealed that calls with subharmonics elicited a greater number of short calls and answering calls from male frogs compared to calls with frequency jumps. However, calls with frequency jumps triggered more staccato calls from males than calls with subharmonics. Additionally, during the phonotaxis experiments, we recorded the initial vocalizations of males in response to playbacks of female calls. The majority of males first produced short calls. Under calls with frequency jumps, most of male frogs approaching within 10 cm of the loudspeaker produced staccato calls instead of “meow” calls or short calls. While under calls with subharmonics, most male frogs preferred to produced short calls. Our findings demonstrate that frequency jumps and subharmonic components in the calls of female O. tormota have different effects on male vocal behaviors. The current study lays a foundation for a further understanding of the function of anuran NLP components.


雌性 Odorrana tormota 叫声中的频率跳跃和分谐波分量对雄性青蛙的发声行为有不同的影响

研究表明,来自许多具有非线性现象(NLP)的类群的动物的声音(由发声器官动力学的非线性特征导致非线性发声现象引起)可以影响接收者的行为。然而,不同 NLP 组件的具体功能却很少受到关注。在大多数青蛙物种中,雌性很少或根本不发声;相比之下,雌性 Odorrana tormota 表现出多种富含 NLP 成分的叫声。之前的现场回放表明,雌性的叫声可以引起雄性青蛙的反应。因此,我们进行了趋声实验,研究雌性托尔莫塔不同 NLP 叫声对雄性青蛙发声行为的差异影响。结果显示,与频率跳跃的呼叫相比,带有分谐波的呼叫引发了更多数量的短呼叫和应答雄性青蛙的呼叫。然而,带有频率跳跃的呼叫比带有分谐波的呼叫引发更多来自男性的断奏呼叫。此外,在趋声实验中,我们记录了雄性对雌性叫声回放的最初发声反应。大多数雄性首先发出短叫声。在频率跳跃的叫声下,接近扬声器 10 厘米范围内的大多数雄性青蛙都会发出断断续续的叫声,而不是“喵”叫声或短叫声。当发出分谐波的叫声时,大多数雄性青蛙更喜欢发出短促的叫声。我们的研究结果表明,雌性 O. tormota 叫声中的频率跳跃和次谐波成分对雄性的声音行为有不同的影响。目前的研究为进一步了解anuran NLP组件的功能奠定了基础。