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Correspondence on “How methodological pitfalls have created widespread misunderstanding about long COVID” by Høeg et al
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine ( IF 9.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bmjebm-2023-112675
Thomas R Fanshawe 1

Høeg et al have written an opinion piece about what they consider to be the methodological limitations of some epidemiological studies into long COVID.1 Some of these points, such as the need for a specific case definition and the need for adequate control group selection, are common to all epidemiological research and are certainly limitations of some of the published studies in this area. However, the authors also make some statements that are factually incorrect, such as claiming that studies might use “serology to confirm prior infection, which can be done at any time”, they later contradict this themselves, in the section 'Sampling bias'. …


Høeg 等人关于“方法论陷阱如何造成对长期新冠病毒的广泛误解”的通讯

Høeg 等人撰写了一篇评论文章,阐述了他们认为一些针对长期 COVID 的流行病学研究的方法学局限性。1 其中一些观点,例如需要特定的病例定义和需要适当的对照组选择,是是所有流行病学研究的共同点,并且肯定是该领域一些已发表研究的局限性。然而,作者也做出了一些事实上不正确的陈述,例如声称研究可能使用“血清学来确认先前的感染,这可以在任何时候完成”,他们后来在“抽样偏差”部分中反驳了这一点。 ……