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Winter-Quartering Tribes: Nomad–Peasant Relations in the Northeastern Frontiers of the Ottoman Empire (1800s–1850s)
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-07 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020859023000639
Yener Koç

Focusing on the winter quartering of Kurdish nomadic tribes among peasant villages, this article discusses the patterns of Kurdish nomadism and nomad–peasant relations in the Ottoman sanjaks of Muş, Bayezid, and Van during the first half of the nineteenth century. It argues that the political structure of these regions and the requirements of animal husbandry among the nomads not only created a distinct pattern of nomadism among the Kurdish tribes, but also led to the polarization of relations between nomads and peasants. Moreover, the article observes how nomad–settled, tribe–peasant relations in these regions evolved as a result of the gradual sedentarization of the pastoral nomads and related changes in their subsistence economies starting from the mid-nineteenth century. Finally, this article provides a background for a better understanding of the intercommunal tensions and conflicts over land in the Ottoman Empire of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.


冬季部落:奥斯曼帝国东北边境游牧民族与农民的关系(1800 年代至 1850 年代)

本文以库尔德游牧部落在农庄中的冬季驻扎为背景,讨论了 19 世纪上半叶奥斯曼帝国穆什、巴耶济德和凡王朝的库尔德游牧模式以及游牧与农民的关系。文章认为,这些地区的政治结构和游牧民族的畜牧业需求,不仅造就了库尔德部落独特的游牧模式,而且导致了游牧民族与农民关系的两极分化。此外,本文还观察了从 19 世纪中叶开始,游牧民族逐渐定居化及其自给经济的相关变化,导致这些地区的游牧-定居、部落-农民关系如何演变。最后,本文为更好地理解十九世纪末二十世纪初奥斯曼帝国的族群间紧张局势和土地冲突提供了背景。