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Jerónimo Muñoz’s Reception of Proclus’ In Euclidem: Philosophy of Mathematics and an Attempt to Prove the Parallel Postulate
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-08 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-20230089
Álvaro José Campillo Bo 1

The goal of this paper is to show – by way of a case study – how the contents of Proclus’ Commentary on the First Book of Euclid’s Elements were incorporated into university teaching in the sixteenth century. I analyse the impact of Proclus on the works of the Spanish mathematician and university professor Jerónimo Muñoz (ca. 1520–1591). In order to do so, I examine two manuscripts: Adnotationes in commentaria Procli super Euclidem (MS Vat. Lat. 6996), and Astrologicarum et geographicarum institutionum libri sex (MS Vat. Lat. 6998). I show that the contents of Proclus’ commentary pervade Muñoz’s mathematical writings and influence his mathematical ontology, his classification of mathematical disciplines, and the history and terminology of geometry that he adopts. Moreover, I expound on how Proclus’ text inspired Muñoz to maintain that the fifth postulate was a theorem, leading him to attempt a demonstration of it which pre-dates knowledge in the Latin West of Naṣīr ad-Dīn’s (1201–1274) previous attempt.


赫罗尼莫·穆尼奥斯 (Jerónimo Muñoz) 对普罗克洛斯 (Proclus) 的《欧几里得姆:数学哲学和证明平行公设的尝试》的接受

本文的目的是通过案例研究的方式展示 Proclus 的内容如何欧几里得第一本书《几何原本》的评论16世纪被纳入大学教学。我分析了 Proclus 对西班牙数学家兼大学教授 Jerónimo Muñoz(约 1520-1591 年)作品的影响。为此,我检查了两份手稿:评论中的注释 Procli super Euclidem多发性硬化症增值税。纬度。6996),以及占星学和地理学机构图书馆性多发性硬化症增值税。纬度。6998)。我表明普罗克卢斯的评论内容渗透到穆尼奥斯的数学著作中,并影响他的数学本体论、他对数学学科的分类以及他所采用的几何的历史和术语。此外,我阐述了普罗克卢斯的文本如何启发穆尼奥斯坚持第五条公设是一个定理,导致他尝试证明它,这早于纳西尔·阿德丁(Naṣīr ad-Dīn,1201-1274)先前尝试的拉丁西部知识。 。