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Declaration on infection prevention and management in global surgery
World Journal of Emergency Surgery ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-06 , DOI: 10.1186/s13017-023-00526-3
Massimo Sartelli 1 , Federico Coccolini 2 , Luca Ansaloni 3 , Walter L Biffl 4 , David P Blake 5, 6, 7 , Marja A Boermeester 8 , Raul Coimbra 9 , Heather L Evans 10 , Paula Ferrada 5 , George Gkiokas 11 , Marc G Jeschke 12 , Timothy Hardcastle 13 , Chandler Hinson 14 , Francesco M Labricciosa 15 , Sanjay Marwah 16 , Antonio C Marttos 17 , Martha Quiodettis 18 , Kemal Rasa 19 , Jianan Ren 20 , Ines Rubio-Perez 21 , Robert Sawyer 22 , Vishal Shelat 23 , Jeffrey S Upperman 24 , Fausto Catena 25

Surgeons in their daily practice are at the forefront in preventing and managing infections. However, among surgeons, appropriate measures of infection prevention and management are often disregarded. The lack of awareness of infection and prevention measures has marginalized surgeons from this battle. Together, the Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery (GAIS), the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES), the Surgical Infection Society (SIS), the Surgical Infection Society-Europe (SIS-E), the World Surgical Infection Society (WSIS), the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST), and the Panamerican Trauma Society (PTS) have jointly completed an international declaration, highlighting the threat posed by antimicrobial resistance globally and the need for preventing and managing infections appropriately across the surgical pathway. The authors representing these surgical societies call all surgeons around the world to participate in this global cause by pledging support for this declaration for maintaining the effectiveness of current and future antibiotics.



外科医生在日常实践中处于预防和管理感染的最前沿。然而,外科医生往往忽视适当的感染预防和管理措施。缺乏感染和预防措施意识,使外科医生在这场战斗中被边缘化。全球外科感染联盟 (GAIS)、世界急诊外科协会 (WSES)、外科感染协会 (SIS)、欧洲外科感染协会 (SIS-E)、世界外科感染协会 (WSIS) )、美国​​创伤外科协会 (AAST) 和泛美创伤协会 (PTS) 联合完成了一份国际宣言,强调全球抗菌素耐药性带来的威胁以及在整个手术路径中适当预防和管理感染的必要性。代表这些外科学会的作者呼吁世界各地的所有外科医生参与这一全球事业,承诺支持这一宣言,以维持当前和未来抗生素的有效性。