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Intraocular pressure reduction and progression of highly myopic glaucoma: a 12-year follow-up cohort study
British Journal of Ophthalmology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjo-2022-323069
Young In Shin 1, 2 , Young Kook Kim 1, 2 , Jin Wook Jeoung 1, 2 , Ki Ho Park 2, 3

Aims To investigate any association between intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction amount and open-angle glaucoma (OAG) progression in highly myopic eyes and to determine the associated risk factors. Methods One hundred and thirty-one (131) eyes of 131 patients with highly myopic OAG, all of whom had received topical medications and been followed for 5 years or longer, were enrolled. Based on the IOP reduction percentage, patients were categorised into tertile groups, and subsequently, the upper-tertile and lower-tertile groups were compared for the cumulative probability of glaucoma progression. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and log-rank testing were applied in the comparison, and multivariate analysis with Cox’s proportional hazard model, additionally, was performed to identify progression risk factors. Results Throughout the average 11.6±4.4 year follow-up on the 131 eyes (mean age, 41.2 years at initial visit; baseline IOP, 16.4 mm Hg), 72 eyes (55.0%) showed glaucoma progression. The upper-tertile group (IOP reduction percentage>23.7%) showed a high cumulative probability of non-progression relative to the lower-tertile group (IOP reduction percentage<11.0%; p=0.034), according to the Kaplan-Meier analysis. Presence of disc haemorrhage (DH; HR=2.189; p=0.032) was determined by the multivariate Cox’s proportional hazard model to be significantly associated with glaucoma progression. For progressors, the average rate of retinal nerve fibre layer thickness thinning was −0.88±0.74 µm/year, while the MD change was −0.42±0.36 dB/year. Conclusions Glaucoma progression is associated with amount of IOP reduction by topical medications in highly myopic eyes, and DH occurrence is a glaucoma progression risk factor. All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplementary information.


眼压降低和高度近视青光眼的进展:一项 12 年随访队列研究

目的 研究高度近视眼眼压 (IOP) 降低量与开角型青光眼 (OAG) 进展之间的关联,并确定相关危险因素。方法 纳入 131 名高度近视 OAG 患者的一百三十一 (131) 只眼,所有患者均接受过局部药物治疗并随访 5 年或更长时间。根据眼压下降百分比,将患者分为三分位组,随后比较上三分位组和下三分位组的青光眼进展的累积概率。在比较中应用了Kaplan-Meier生存分析和对数秩检验,并使用Cox比例风险模型进行多变量分析,以确定进展危险因素。结果 在对 131 只眼睛(平均年龄,初次就诊时 41.2 岁;基线眼压,16.4 mm Hg)进行的平均 11.6±4.4 年随访中,72 只眼睛(55.0%)出现青光眼进展。根据 Kaplan-Meier 分析,相对于下三分位组(IOP 降低百分比<11.0%;p=0.034),上三分位组(IOP 降低百分比>23.7%)表现出较高的累积无进展概率。通过多变量 Cox 比例风险模型确定椎间盘出血(DH;HR=2.189;p=0.032)的存在与青光眼进展显着相关。对于进展者,视网膜神经纤维层厚度变薄的平均率为-0.88±0.74 µm/年,而MD变化为-0.42±0.36 dB/年。结论 青光眼进展与高度近视眼局部药物降低眼压的量有关,DH 的发生是青光眼进展的危险因素。 与研究相关的所有数据都包含在文章中或作为补充信息上传。