Transportation Research Part B: Methodological ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trb.2023.102854 Thomas Hagspihl , Rainer Kolisch , Pirmin Fontaine , Sebastian Schiffels
At many airports, space on the apron is scarce and has to be used efficiently. To that end, we optimize the layout of aircraft parking positions adjacent to the airport terminal, pursuing two lexicographically ordered objectives. First, we minimize the number of aircraft that have to be diverted to remote parking positions, because positions adjacent to the terminal are not available. Second, we minimize the construction effort required for gate infrastructure. Aircraft collisions must be prevented at all times, and we consider various traffic situations, as traffic volume and fleet mix are not constant in time. We introduce the Airport Gate Layout Problem and formulate it as a mixed-integer model, which considers both greenfield and brownfield scenarios. To solve the problem efficiently, we introduce a decomposition framework that exploits the structure of the problem and employ various acceleration techniques. Our approach reduces computation times substantially, allowing us to solve instances that are intractable for CPLEX. Based on a case study for Munich Airport, we demonstrate how airports can gain valuable insights from solving the problem.

在许多机场,停机坪上的空间很少,必须有效利用。为此,我们优化了机场航站楼附近飞机停机位的布局,实现了两个按字典顺序排列的目标。首先,我们最大限度地减少必须转移到远程停车位置的飞机数量,因为靠近航站楼的位置不可用。其次,我们最大限度地减少了登机口基础设施所需的建设工作。必须始终防止飞机相撞,并且我们考虑了各种交通情况,因为交通量和机队组合在时间上并不是恒定的。我们引入了机场登机口布局问题,并将其表述为混合整数模型,该模型同时考虑了绿地和棕地场景。为了有效地解决问题,我们引入了一个分解框架,该框架利用问题的结构并采用各种加速技术。我们的方法大大减少了计算时间,使我们能够解决 CPLEX 难以处理的实例。基于慕尼黑机场的案例研究,我们展示了机场如何通过解决问题获得有价值的见解。