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Lamellar Crystal Structure and Haldane Magnetism in NH4VPO4OH
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-06 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202316719
Aleksandr Sh Samarin 1 , Ivan A Trussov 1 , Zlata V Pchelkina 2, 3 , Stanislav S Fedotov 1 , Yevgeniy A Ovchenkov 4, 5 , Sergei V Zhurenko 6 , Alexei V Tkachev 6 , Andrei A Gippius 5 , Larisa V Shvanskaya 4, 5 , Alexander N Vasiliev 4, 5

A new compound, NH4VPO4OH, has been synthesized under mild hydrothermal condition. It possesses a lamellar crystal structure and shows a spin gap behavior inherent for the Haldane system. This rare ground state has been supported in the first-principles calculations.


NH4VPO4OH 中的层状晶体结构和霍尔丹磁性

在温和水热条件下合成了新化合物NH 4 VPO 4 OH。它具有层状晶体结构,并显示出 Haldane 系统固有的自旋间隙行为。这种罕见的基态已在第一性原理计算中得到支持。