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Wood Building Construction: Trends and Opportunities in Structural and Envelope Systems
Current Forestry Reports ( IF 9.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s40725-023-00196-z
Pierre Blanchet , Cédric Perez , Matheus Roberto Cabral

Purpose of Review

The main goal of this study was to review the latest developments in the use of wood-based building materials and systems over the last 5 years. The methodology was carried out by using the systematic review procedure. This study considered only peer-reviewed articles written in English published over the last 5 years (2018 to 2022) on materials used in structural systems and building envelopes.

Recent Findings

The energy demand for cooling and heating represents from 40 to 60% of a building’s energy consumption depending on the energy mix. Every increase in energy efficiency increases the pressure on the energy embedded in the materials. In this context, bio-based and especially wood-based materials are gaining popularity. Their use is significant in structural and envelope systems, making them a powerful tool for working on both efficiency and embedded energy. Furthermore, the building construction industry is among the most significant in the economy of industrialized countries.


Forests are a carbon asset for our societies. Since buildings have been identified as a global warming mitigation tool, an increase in the use of wood and bio-based products should be considered. To support a better scientific understanding of building carbon sequestration under climate changes, a thorough understanding of structural and envelope systems is needed. Various materials are used in these complex systems, and a variety of assembly options are available. In structural systems, research has tended to be incremental over the last 5 years, with a focus on prefabrication and hybrid structures. As new designs and materials are introduced in the future, building physics principles will become increasingly important to ensure the quality of building envelopes. This review presents the latest research related to wood structural and envelope systems to support their use in the construction industry.




本研究的主要目标是回顾过去 5 年木质建筑材料和系统使用的最新发展。该方法是通过系统审查程序进行的。这项研究仅考虑了过去 5 年(2018 年至 2022 年)发表的有关结构系统和建筑围护结构材料的同行评审文章。


根据能源结构的不同,制冷和供暖的能源需求占建筑物能源消耗的 40% 至 60%。能源效率的每一次提高都会增加材料中蕴藏的能量的压力。在这种背景下,生物基材料,尤其是木质材料越来越受欢迎。它们在结构和围护系统中的应用非常重要,使其成为提高效率和嵌入式能源的强大工具。此外,建筑业是工业化国家经济中最重要的行业之一。


