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Quantum systems in silicon carbide for sensing applications
Reports on Progress in Physics ( IF 19.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-20 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6633/ad10b3
S Castelletto 1 , C T-K Lew 2 , Wu-Xi Lin 3, 4, 5 , Jin-Shi Xu 3, 4, 5

This paper summarizes recent studies identifying key qubit systems in silicon carbide (SiC) for quantum sensing of magnetic, electric fields, and temperature at the nano and microscale. The properties of colour centres in SiC, that can be used for quantum sensing, are reviewed with a focus on paramagnetic colour centres and their spin Hamiltonians describing Zeeman splitting, Stark effect, and hyperfine interactions. These properties are then mapped onto various methods for their initialization, control, and read-out. We then summarised methods used for a spin and charge state control in various colour centres in SiC. These properties and methods are then described in the context of quantum sensing applications in magnetometry, thermometry, and electrometry. Current state-of-the art sensitivities are compiled and approaches to enhance the sensitivity are proposed. The large variety of methods for control and read-out, combined with the ability to scale this material in integrated photonics chips operating in harsh environments, places SiC at the forefront of future quantum sensing technology based on semiconductors.



本文总结了最近的研究,确定了碳化硅 (SiC) 中用于纳米和微米尺度磁场、电场和温度量子传感的关键量子位系统。回顾了可用于量子传感的 SiC 色心特性,重点关注顺磁色心及其描述塞曼分裂、斯塔克效应和超精细相互作用的自旋哈密顿量。然后,这些属性被映射到各种方法以进行初始化、控制和读取。然后,我们总结了用于 SiC 中各种色心的自旋和电荷状态控制的方法。然后在磁力测量、温度测量和静电测量中的量子传感应用的背景下描述这些特性和方法。汇编了当前最先进的灵敏度,并提出了增强灵敏度的方法。控制和读出的方法多种多样,再加上在恶劣环境下运行的集成光子芯片中扩展这种材料的能力,使 SiC 处于未来基于半导体的量子传感技术的前沿。