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Children and the US Social Safety Net: Balancing Disincentives for Adults and Benefits for Children.
Journal of Economic Perspectives ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-01 , DOI: 10.1257/jep.36.2.149
Anna Aizer 1 , Hilary Hoynes 2 , Adriana Lleras-Muney 3

A hallmark of every developed nation is the provision of a social safety net-a collection of public programs that deliver aid to the poor. Because of their higher rates of poverty, children are often a major beneficiary of safety net programs. Countries vary considerably in both the amount of safety net aid to children and the design of their programs. The United States provides less aid to families with children as a share of GDP (0.6 percent) than most countries: Among 37 OECD countries, only Turkey provides less, as shown in Figure 1. Countries that provide less aid to families with children have higher rates of child poverty. Among these same 37 countries, only Turkey and Costa Rica have higher child poverty rates than the United States. Why does the United States appear to be such an outlier in terms of the amount of aid it provides to families and child poverty rates? While there are likely multiple reasons, in this paper we focus on one possible explanation: Past emphasis on the negative behavioral effects of safety net programs for families over the benefits of such programs for children.



每个发达国家的一个标志是提供社会安全网——一系列向穷人提供援助的公共项目。由于贫困率较高,儿童往往是安全网计划的主要受益者。各国在向儿童提供的安全网援助数额和项目设计方面存在很大差异。美国向有子女家庭提供的援助占 GDP 的比例(0.6%)低于大多数国家:在 37 个 OECD 国家中,只有土耳其提供的援助较少,如图 1 所示。向有子女家庭提供援助较少的国家儿童贫困率。在这 37 个国家中,只有土耳其和哥斯达黎加的儿童贫困率高于美国。为什么美国在向家庭提供的援助数额和儿童贫困率方面显得如此异常?虽然可能有多种原因,但在本文中,我们重点关注一种可能的解释:过去强调家庭安全网计划的负面行为影响,而不是此类计划对儿童的好处。