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Syntax intervention in American Sign Language: an exploratory case study.
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-17 , DOI: 10.1093/deafed/enad048
Kimberly Ofori-Sanzo 1 , Leah Geer 2 , Kinya Embry 3

This case study describes the use of a syntax intervention with two deaf children who did not acquire a complete first language (L1) from birth. It looks specifically at their ability to produce subject-verb-object (SVO) sentence structure in American Sign Language (ASL) after receiving intervention. This was an exploratory case study in which investigators utilized an intervention that contained visuals to help teach SVO word order to young deaf children. Baseline data were collected over three sessions before implementation of a targeted syntax intervention and two follow-up sessions over 3-4 weeks. Both participants demonstrated improvements in their ability to produce SVO structure in ASL in 6-10 sessions. Visual analysis revealed a positive therapeutic trend that was maintained in follow-up sessions. These data provide preliminary evidence that a targeted intervention may help young deaf children with an incomplete L1 learn to produce basic word order in ASL. Results from this case study can help inform the practice of professionals working with signing deaf children who did not acquire a complete L1 from birth (e.g., speech-language pathologists, deaf mentors/coaches, ASL specialists, etc.). Future research should investigate the use of this intervention with a larger sample of deaf children.



本案例研究描述了对两名从出生起就没有获得完整第一语言 (L1) 的聋哑儿童进行句法干预的情况。它专门考察他们在接受干预后用美国手语 (ASL) 生成主谓宾 (SVO) 句子结构的能力。这是一项探索性案例研究,研究人员利用包含视觉效果的干预措施来帮助聋哑儿童教授 SVO 词序。在实施有针对性的语法干预之前,我们在三个疗程中收集了基线数据,并在 3-4 周内进行了两次后续疗程。两名参与者在 6-10 次课程中展示了他们在 ASL 中生成 SVO 结构的能力的提高。视觉分析揭示了在后续治疗中保持的积极治疗趋势。这些数据提供了初步证据,表明有针对性的干预可以帮助母语不完整的年幼聋哑儿童学习美国手语的基本词序。本案例研究的结果可以帮助专业人士(例如,言语病理学家、聋人导师/教练、ASL 专家等)处理从出生起就没有获得完整 L1 的手语聋哑儿童的实践。未来的研究应该调查这种干预措施在更大样本的聋哑儿童中的应用。