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Negative cognitive-affective involvement as a mechanism linking job demands to occupational well-being: The moderating role of maladaptive thinking patterns.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-16 , DOI: 10.1037/ocp0000364
Andrea Noja 1 , Sara Tement 2 , Bettina Kubicek 1

Negative cognitions and emotions about work during off-job time (e.g., worry about work tasks) can hinder the necessary recovery from work and lead to impaired occupational well-being. To better understand when this negative cognitive-affective involvement arises, we considered simultaneous and interactive effects of external and individual factors. Specifically, we investigated whether job demands (i.e., time pressure, cognitive demands, emotional demands) and maladaptive thinking patterns are independently and jointly related to negative cognitive-affective involvement and whether this is in turn associated with impaired occupational well-being (i.e., emotional exhaustion, cynicism). Using a diary study, we collected daily data from 109 employees twice a day over two working weeks (N = 667 day-level observations). Multilevel analyses showed that negative cognitive-affective involvement mediates the relationship between job demands (i.e., cognitive demands, emotional demands) and the two occupational well-being indicators. The relationship between cognitive and emotional demands, respectively, and negative cognitive-affective involvement is moderated by work-related maladaptive thinking patterns, with stronger relationships for employees reporting more frequent maladaptive thinking patterns. Moreover, work-related maladaptive thinking patterns moderate the indirect effects of job demands on occupational well-being via negative cognitive-affective involvement. Overall, we expanded the research on negative cognitive-affective involvement by providing a more comprehensive picture of its antecedents and outcomes. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



下班期间对工作的负面认知和情绪(例如,担心工作任务)可能会阻碍从工作中进行必要的恢复,并导致职业幸福感受损。为了更好地理解这种负面认知情感参与何时出现,我们考虑了外部和个人因素的同时和相互作用的影响。具体来说,我们调查了工作要求(即时间压力、认知要求、情感要求)和适应不良思维模式是否与消极的认知情感参与独立或共同相关,以及这是否反过来与职业幸福感受损相关(即,情绪疲惫、愤世嫉俗)。通过日记研究,我们在两个工作周内每天两次收集 109 名员工的每日数据(N = 667 日水平观察)。多层次分析表明,消极认知情感参与在工作需求(即认知需求、情感需求)与两项职业幸福感指标之间的关系中起中介作用。认知需求和情感需求以及消极认知情感参与之间的关系受到与工作相关的适应不良思维模式的调节,报告更频繁的适应不良思维模式的员工关系更牢固。此外,与工作相关的适应不良思维模式通过消极的认知情感参与来调节工作要求对职业幸福感的间接影响。总体而言,我们通过更全面地了解消极认知情感参与的前因和结果,扩大了对消极认知情感参与的研究。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。