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We built this culture (so we can change it): Seven principles for intentional culture change.
American Psychologist ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-16 , DOI: 10.1037/amp0001209
MarYam G Hamedani 1 , Hazel Rose Markus 1 , Rebecca C Hetey 1 , Jennifer L Eberhardt 1

Calls for culture change abound. Headlines regularly feature calls to change the "broken" or "toxic" cultures of institutions and organizations, and people debate which norms and practices across society are now defunct. As people blame current societal problems on culture, the proposed fix is "culture change." But what is culture change? How does it work? Can it be effective? This article presents a novel social psychological framework for intentional culture change-actively and deliberately modifying the mutually reinforcing features of a culture. Synthesizing insights from research and application, it proposes an integrated, evidence-based perspective centered around seven core principles for intentional culture change: Principle 1: People are culturally shaped shapers, so they can be culture changers; Principle 2: Identifying, mapping, and evaluating the key levels of culture helps locate where to target change; Principle 3: Culture change happens in both top-down and bottom-up ways and is more effective when the levels are in alignment; Principle 4: Culture change can be easier when it leverages existing core values and harder when it challenges deep-seated defaults and biases; Principle 5: Culture change typically involves power struggles and identity threats; Principle 6: Cultures interact with one another and change can cause backlash, resistance, and clashes; and Principle 7: Timing and readiness matter. While these principles may be broadly used, here they are applied to the issue of social inequality in the United States. Even though culture change feels particularly daunting in this problem area, it can also be empowering-especially when people leverage evidence-based insights and tools to reimagine and rebuild their cultures. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



文化变革的呼声比比皆是。头条新闻经常呼吁改变机构和组织的“破碎”或“有毒”文化,人们争论整个社会的哪些规范和做法现在已经失效。由于人们将当前的社会问题归咎于文化,因此提出的解决方案是“文化变革”。但什么是文化变革?它是如何运作的?能有效吗?本文提出了一个新的社会心理框架,用于有意识的文化变革——积极、有意识地改变文化的相辅相成的特征。综合研究和应用的见解,它提出了一个综合的、基于证据的视角,围绕有意识的文化变革的七个核心原则: 原则 1:人们是文化塑造者,因此他们可以成为文化改变者;原则 2:识别、映射和评估文化的关键层面有助于确定变革的目标;原则 3:文化变革以自上而下和自下而上的方式发生,当层次一致时更有效;原则 4:当文化变革利用现有的核心价值观时,文化变革会变得更容易;而当文化变革挑战根深蒂固的默认和偏见时,文化变革就会变得更困难;原则 5:文化变革通常涉及权力斗争和身份威胁;原则 6:不同文化之间相互作用,变化可能会引起强烈反对、抵制和冲突;原则 7:时机和准备情况很重要。虽然这些原则可能被广泛使用,但在这里它们适用于美国的社会不平等问题。尽管文化变革在这个问题领域让人感到特别令人畏惧,但它也可以赋予人们力量——尤其是当人们利用基于证据的见解和工具来重新构想和重建他们的文化时。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。