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Glamping tourism as a sustainable response to the need to reinvigorate domestic tourism
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2023.100803
Ana-Maria Pop , Alexandra-Camelia Marian-Potra , Gheorghe-Gavrila Hognogi , Viorel Puiu

Communing with nature and spending quality time in a natural environment as pollution-free as possible is an increasingly popular trend, including in the tourist industry. The restrictions on international travel and the social distancing measures imposed because of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic have led to the appearance and growth of alternative in-country ways of spending one's free time. The purpose of this article is to analyse glamping-type servicesas a way of adapting to the current pandemic by the Romanian tourist sector. The attributes associated with the sustainability of the accommodation units are the most important in the minds of tourists (closeness to nature, peace and relaxation, organic environment, eco-friendly behaviour, ecological practices, ecological activities, social distancing). In Romania's case, the sustainable attributes of these locations and their high degree of safety represented the mobile for choosing them by domestic tourists. The study represents an expansion of models for the evaluation of tourist services by proposing the addition of sustainable attributes. For managerial implications, the article offers some potential development directions for glamping by rethinking the Triple Helix model.



与大自然交流,在尽可能无污染的自然环境中度过美好时光是一种越来越流行的趋势,包括旅游业。由于 Covid-19 大流行的爆发,对国际旅行的限制和社交距离措施导致了国内闲暇时间的替代方式的出现和增长。本文的目的是分析豪华露营型服务,作为罗马尼亚旅游业适应当前疫情的一种方式。在游客心目中,与住宿单元的可持续性相关的属性是最重要的(亲近自然、和平与放松、有机环境、生态友好行为、生态实践、生态活动、社交距离)。就罗马尼亚而言,这些地点的可持续属性及其高度安全性代表了国内游客选择这些地点的移动性。该研究提出增加可持续属性,代表了旅游服务评估模型的扩展。就管理意义而言,本文通过重新思考三螺旋模型,为豪华露营提供了一些潜在的发展方向。