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Supramaximal Testing to Confirm the Achievement of V̇O2max in Acute Hypoxia.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-14 , DOI: 10.1249/mss.0000000000003339
Benjamin P Thompson 1 , Connor J Doherty 1 , Leah M Mann 1 , Jou-Chung Chang 1 , Sarah A Angus 1 , Glen E Foster 2 , Jason S Au 1 , Paolo B Dominelli 1

PURPOSE We sought to determine if supramaximal exercise testing confirms the achievement of V̇O2max in acute hypoxia. We hypothesized that the incremental and supramaximal V̇O2 will be sufficiently similar in acute hypoxia. METHODS Twenty-one healthy adults (males n = 13, females n = 8) completed incremental and supramaximal exercise tests in normoxia and acute hypoxia (fraction inspired oxygen = 0.14) separated by at least 48 hours. Incremental exercise started at 80 and 60 W in normoxia and 40 and 20 W in hypoxia for males and females, respectively, with all increasing by 20 W each minute until volitional exhaustion. Following a 20 minute post-exercise rest period, a supramaximal test at 110% peak power until volitional exhaustion was completed. RESULTS Supramaximal exercise testing yielded a lower V̇O2 than incremental testing in hypoxia (3.11 ± 0.78 vs. 3.21 ± 0.83 L min-1, p = 0.001) and normoxia (3.71 ± 0.91 vs. 3.80 ± 1.02 L min-1, p = 0.01). Incremental and supramaximal V̇O2 were statistically similar, using investigator-determined equivalence bounds ±150 mL min-1, in hypoxia (p = 0.02, 90% CI = [0.05 , 0.14]) and normoxia (p = 0.03, 90% CI = [0.01 , 0.14]. Likewise, using ±2.1 mL kg-1 min-1 bounds, incremental and supramaximal V̇O2 was statistically similar in hypoxia (p = 0.04, 90% CI = [0.70 , 2.0]) and normoxia (p = 0.04, 90% CI = [0.30 , 2.0]). CONCLUSIONS Despite differences in the oxygen cascade, the incremental and supramaximal V̇O2 were statistically similar in both hypoxia and normoxia, demonstrating the utility of supramaximal verification of V̇O2max in the setting of acute hypoxia.


超最大量测试确认在急性缺氧中达到 V̇O2max。

目的 我们试图确定超最大运动测试是否证实在急性缺氧情况下达到 V̇O2max。我们假设在急性缺氧情况下增量和超最大 V̇O2 将非常相似。方法 21 名健康成年人(男性 n = 13,女性 n = 8)在常氧和急性缺氧(吸入氧分数 = 0.14)下完成增量和超最大运动测试,间隔至少 48 小时。男性和女性的增量运动分别从常氧 80 和 60 W、缺氧 40 和 20 W 开始,每分钟增加 20 W,直至意志力竭。运动后休息 20 分钟后,以 110% 峰值功率进行超最大测试,直至完成意志力衰竭。结果 在缺氧(3.11 ± 0.78 vs. 3.21 ± 0.83 L min-1,p = 0.001)和常氧(3.71 ± 0.91 vs. 3.80 ± 1.02 L min-1,p = 0.01)的情况下,超最大运动测试产生的 V̇O2 低于增量测试)。在缺氧(p = 0.02,90% CI = [0.05,0.14])和常氧(p = 0.03,90% CI = [ 0.01 , 0.14]。同样,使用 ±2.1 mL kg-1 min-1 界限,增量和超最大 V̇O2 在缺氧(p = 0.04,90% CI = [0.70 , 2.0])和常氧(p = 0.04, 90% CI = [0.30 , 2.0]). 结论 尽管氧级联存在差异,但在缺氧和常氧条件下增量和超最大 V̇O2 在统计上相似,这证明了 V̇O2max 超最大验证在急性缺氧情况下的实用性。