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Does personality always matter for health? Examining the moderating effect of age on the personality-health link from life span developmental and aging perspectives.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-01 , DOI: 10.1037/pspp0000485
Jing Luo 1 , Bo Zhang 2 , Eileen K Graham 1 , Daniel K Mroczek 1

Extensive evidence has been found for the associations between personality traits and health. However, it remains unknown whether the relationships between personality and health show differential patterns across different life stages. The current research examined how the associations between the levels of and changes in the Big Five personality traits and different types of health outcomes (self-rated, physical, and physiological health outcomes) differ across ages over the life span (Sample 1, age range: 15-100) and during the aging process (Sample 2, age range: 50-109) in particular. Using data from the two large longitudinal studies-the Household, Income, and Labor Dynamics in Australia Survey and the Health and Retirement Study, we observed three important patterns. First, levels of and changes in personality traits were significantly associated with health across different life phases, and these effects were observed even in very old ages. Second, overall, the prospective relations between personality traits/changes in personality traits and health outcomes increased in strength in middle adulthood and/or early stages of late adulthood; however, the strength of their connections diminished in very old ages. Finally, there were some trait-specific and health outcome-specific patterns in the age-differential associations between personality and health. Findings from the present study contribute to enhancing our understanding of the personality-health link from a developmental perspective and provide critical information for the design and implementation of screening and interventions targeting health promotion. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).



已经发现了关于人格特征与健康之间关联的广泛证据。然而,性格与健康之间的关系是否在不同生命阶段表现出不同的模式仍然未知。目前的研究检查了大五人格特质的水平和变化与不同类型的健康结果(自评、身体和生理健康结果)之间的关联如何随着年龄的增长而变化(样本 1,年龄范围:15-100)特别是在衰老过程中(样本 2,年龄范围:50-109)。使用来自两项大型纵向研究的数据——澳大利亚家庭、收入和劳动力动态调查以及健康与退休研究,我们观察到了三种重要模式。首先,人格特质的水平和变化与不同生命阶段的健康状况显著相关,即使在非常老年时也能观察到这些影响。其次,总体而言,人格特质/人格特质变化与健康结果之间的预期关系在成年中期和/或成年后期的早期阶段强度增加;然而,他们的联系强度在很久很久以前就减弱了。最后,在人格和健康之间的年龄差异关联中存在一些特质特异性和健康结果特异性模式。本研究的结果有助于从发展的角度增强我们对人格与健康联系的理解,并为设计和实施针对健康促进的筛查和干预措施提供关键信息。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。