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An Organizational Model for Increasing Access to the Scholarly Literature
Behavior Analysis in Practice ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s40617-023-00887-w
Amber L Valentino 1 , Jessica F Juanico 2 , Ashley M Fuhrman 1 , Aakshan Kaur Lidhar 1

Incorporating literature into practice can help behavior analysts provide better services and achieve better outcomes. In addition, behavior analysts have an ethical obligation to remain current with the scholarly literature and to use it to inform services. Despite the merits of maintaining regular contact with the published literature, barriers exist to doing so. In this tutorial, we present a system that was created for a human service agency to increase practitioner access to the scholarly literature. The system consisted of an electronic search request form, a literature team, and a liaison. We present 7 years of data including the frequency of use, topics of interest, and other noteworthy patterns of submitter responding. We discuss the value of this type of system, limitations of its design, and considerations for practitioners who may wish to implement a similar system in their agency. We discuss modifications that could be made to fit organizations of diverse sizes and with different resources, while presenting ideas for improvement and expansion of the system.



将文献纳入实践可以帮助行为分析师提供更好的服务并取得更好的结果。此外,行为分析师有道德义务与学术文献保持同步,并利用它来为服务提供信息。尽管与出版文献保持定期联系有好处,但这样做也存在障碍。在本教程中,我们介绍了一个为人类服务机构创建的系统,以增加从业者对学术文献的访问。该系统由电子检索请求表、文献团队和联络员组成。我们提供 7 年的数据,包括使用频率、感兴趣的主题以及其他值得注意的提交者响应模式。我们讨论了此类系统的价值、其设计的局限性以及希望在其机构中实施类似系统的从业者的考虑因素。我们讨论了可以进行的修改,以适应不同规模和不同资源的组织,同时提出改进和扩展系统的想法。
