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Antibacterial Agents from Waste Grease: Arylation of Brown Grease Fatty Acids with Beechwood Creosote and Derivatization
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-30 , DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c05767
Masoud Kazem-Rostami 1 , Victor Ryu 2 , Karen Wagner 1 , Kerby Jones 1 , Charles A. Mullen 1 , Victor Wyatt 1 , Changqing Wu 3 , Richard Ashby 1 , Xuetong Fan 2 , Helen Ngo 1

Trap grease is a common but problematic side-product of cooking and food production, whose accumulation negatively impacts local municipalities and the environment. The present work elaborates on stepwise recycling and separation of free fatty acids from aggregated trap grease, their characterization, quantification, arylation with natural phenolics derived from beechwood, subsequent derivatizations, and conversion to amine-carrying fatty amides, which display antibacterial properties against both Gram-positive and -negative bacteria.



捕集油脂是烹饪和食品生产中常见但有问题的副产品,其积累会对当地市政和环境产生负面影响。目前的工作详细阐述了从聚集的捕集油脂中游离脂肪酸的逐步回收和分离、它们的表征、定量、与来自山毛榉木的天然酚类的芳基化、随后的衍生化以及转化为携带胺的脂肪酰胺,其对革兰氏菌和革兰氏菌均表现出抗菌特性。 - 阳性和阴性细菌。