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Simulating Equity for Stroke Outcomes: How Much Do We Stand to Gain From Reduction of Disparities Due to Socioeconomic Status?
Neurology ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-05 , DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000208042
Regina Royan 1 , Tracy E Madsen 1

It is hard to imagine a world where inequities in stroke risk factors, incidence, and care do not exist. Numerous studies have shown that lower household income or socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with more severe strokes,1 worse access to care,2 and worse functional outcomes.3 Increased incidence of cardiovascular risk factors account for approximately half of the differences in short-term and long-term functional outcomes.4 Additional factors include a wide range of patient, system, and care factors that result in increased mortality and disability. But what would happen if all patients with stroke had the needed access to preventive care, acute care, and resources to manage their health after stroke?



很难想象一个在中风危险因素、发病率和护理方面不存在不平等的世界。大量研究表明,较低的家庭收入或社会经济地位 (SES) 与更严重的中风、 1获得护理的机会较差、 2以及功能结果较差有关。 3短期和长期功能结果差异的一半左右是由心血管危险因素的发生率增加造成的。 4其他因素包括导致死亡率和残疾增加的各种患者、系统和护理因素。但是,如果所有中风患者都能获得所需的预防性护理、急性护理以及中风后管理健康的资源,会发生什么呢?
