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Toward an Integrative Approach to the Study of Positive-Affect-Related Aggression.
Perspectives on Psychological Science ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-08 , DOI: 10.1177/17456916231200421
Joyce Emma Quansah 1, 2, 3 , Jean Gagnon 1, 2, 3

Research on aggression usually aims at gaining a better understanding of its more negative aspects, such as the role and effects of aversive social interactions, hostile cognitions, or negative affect. However, there are conditions under which an act of aggression can elicit a positive affective response, even among the most nonviolent of individuals. One might experience the "sweetness of revenge" on reacting aggressively to a betrayal or social rejection. A soldier may feel elated after "shooting to kill" in the name of the flag. There are many factors that contribute to the appeal of aggression, but despite growing interest in researching these phenomena, there is still no unitary framework that organizes existing theories and empirical findings and can be applied to a model to generate testable hypotheses. This article presents a narrative review of the literature on positive-affect-related forms of aggression and explores the role of aggression in eliciting positive affect across diverse social situations and relational contexts. An integrative model that unifies existing theories and findings is proposed, with the objective to inspire and inform future research.


