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Temporal Sequencing of Naturalistic Associations Between Body Satisfaction and Physical Activity: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study Among Women in Midlife With Elevated Cardiovascular Risk.
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-31 , DOI: 10.1123/jsep.2022-0281
Kelly A Romano 1, 2 , Kristin E Heron 2, 3 , Danielle Arigo 4

The goal of the present study was to examine naturalistic associations between body satisfaction and physical activity (PA) among women in midlife. Women 40-60 years of age with cardiovascular risk factors (e.g., hypertension; N = 75; Mage = 51.63) responded to five surveys per day for 10 days while accelerometer-derived PA measurements were collected continuously. PA parameters included cognitive determinants (PA motivation and intentions) and accelerometer-measured PA behavior (sedentary behavior, light-intensity PA, and moderate to vigorous PA). Multilevel models indicated that associations between body satisfaction and everyday PA differed across PA determinants, time frames (concurrent and prospective), and levels (momentary, daily, and person). For example, positive bidirectional associations were identified between women's daily body satisfaction and PA motivation, whereas greater momentary light-intensity PA (but not moderate to vigorous PA) was unidirectionally associated with greater body satisfaction at a subsequent prompt. These findings provide insight into how associations between body satisfaction and PA unfold in the daily lives of women in midlife and highlight the complexities of these associations.



本研究的目的是检查中年女性身体满意度与身体活动 (PA) 之间的自然关联。40-60 岁有心血管危险因素(例如高血压;N = 75;Mage = 51.63) 每天回答 5 次调查,持续 10 天,同时连续收集加速度计衍生的 PA 测量值。PA 参数包括认知决定因素 (PA 动机和意图) 和加速度计测量的 PA 行为 (久坐行为、轻度 PA 和中度至剧烈 PA)。多级模型表明,身体满意度与日常 PA 之间的关联因 PA 决定因素、时间框架(同时和前瞻性)和水平(瞬间、每日和个人)而异。例如,在女性的日常身体满意度和 PA 动机之间确定了正向的双向关联,而更大的瞬时光强度 PA(但不是中度到剧烈的 PA)与随后提示时更高的身体满意度单向相关。这些发现提供了关于身体满意度与 PA 之间的关联如何在中年女性的日常生活中展开的见解,并强调了这些关联的复杂性。