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Assessment of bone defect morphology for the adjunctive use of bone grafting combined with enamel matrix derivative: A 3-year cohort study
Journal of Periodontology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-29 , DOI: 10.1002/jper.23-0538
Takanori Matsuura 1, 2 , Risako Mikami 1 , Koji Mizutani 1 , Hidehiro Shioyama 3 , Norio Aoyama 4 , Tomonari Suda 5 , Yukako Kusunoki 6 , Kohei Takeda 1 , Yuichi Izumi 1, 7 , Jun Aida 8 , Akira Aoki 1 , Takanori Iwata 1

There have been limited studies with statistically sufficient sample sizes for assessment of suitable bone defect morphology for combination therapy with enamel matrix derivative (EMD) and bone grafting. The aim of this study was to investigate the appropriate feature of intrabony defects, such as bone defect angle (DA) and the containment by bony wall, for yielding the additional benefit of bone grafting in combination with periodontal regenerative therapy using EMD.



用于评估牙釉质基质衍生物 (EMD) 和骨移植联合治疗的合适骨缺损形态的研究数量有限,具有统计上足够的样本量。本研究的目的是研究骨内缺损的适当特征,例如骨缺损角 (DA) 和骨壁的遏制,以获得骨移植与 EMD 牙周再生治疗相结合的额外益处。