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How speaking versus writing to conversational agents shapes consumers’ choice and choice satisfaction
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s11747-023-00987-7
David Schindler , Tobias Maiberger , Nicole Koschate-Fischer , Wayne D. Hoyer

The use of conversational agents (e.g., chatbots) to simplify or aid consumers’ purchase decisions is on the rise. In designing those conversational agents, a key question for companies is whether and when it is advisable to enable voice-based rather than text-based interactions. Addressing this question, this study finds that matching consumers’ communication modality with product type (speaking about hedonic products; writing about utilitarian products) shapes consumers’ choice and increases choice satisfaction. Specifically, speaking fosters a feeling-based verbalizing focus, while writing triggers a reason-based focus. When this focus matches consumers’ mindset in evaluating the product type, preference fluency increases, thereby enhancing choice satisfaction. Accordingly, the authors provide insights into managing interactions with conversational agents more effectively to aid decision-making processes and increase choice satisfaction. Finally, they show that communication modality can serve as a strategic tool for low-equity brands to better compete with high-equity brands.



