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Norm-Violating Behavior in Organizations: A Comprehensive Conceptual Review and Model of Constructive and Destructive Norm-Violating Behavior
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-29 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-110721-043001
Rebecca J. Bennett 1 , Bella L. Galperin 2 , Long Wang 3 , Jigyashu Shukla 4

Norm violations can not only cause harm but also contribute to the well-being of organizations. During the last several decades, two different foci of research on workplace norm violations have generated a host of empirical studies on both constructive and destructive norm-violating behavior (NVB). However, the two closely related bodies of literature have remained in almost complete isolation from each other. Our conceptual review seeks to kindle a new perspective to better understand the general concept of NVB in organizations by combining the bifurcated silos of both constructive and destructive NVB. By conducting a systematic literature review of research on workplace NVBs over the past 30 years, we synthesize the major research findings on both constructive and destructive deviance into a general framework and examine the major antecedents, moderators, mediators, and outcomes as they fit within the major theoretical perspectives. Moreover, we study the commonalities of constructive and destructive NVB, focusing especially on the overlapping and dynamic relationships between the two concepts. To conclude, we propose new lines of inquiry for future research to assist academics and practitioners in understanding and managing different forms of organizational norm violations.



违反规范不仅会造成伤害,还会有利于组织的福祉。在过去的几十年里,关于工作场所违规行为的两个不同研究焦点产生了大量关于建设性和破坏性违规行为 (NVB) 的实证研究。然而,这两个密切相关的文学体系仍然几乎完全相互隔离。我们的概念审查旨在通过结合建设性和破坏性 NVB 的分歧,激发一个新的视角,以更好地理解组织中 NVB 的一般概念。通过对过去 30 年来工作场所非暴力行为的研究进行系统的文献回顾,我们将关于建设性和破坏性越轨行为的主要研究结果综合到一个总体框架中,并检查了主要的前因、调节因素、中介因素和结果,因为它们符合主要理论观点。此外,我们研究了建设性和破坏性 NVB 的共性,特别关注这两个概念之间的重叠和动态关系。最后,我们为未来的研究提出了新的探究方向,以帮助学者和从业者理解和管理不同形式的组织规范违规行为。