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Communication of Statistics and Evidence in Times of Crisis
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-29 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-statistics-040722-052011
Claudia R. Schneider 1, 2, 3 , John R. Kerr 4 , Sarah Dryhurst 2, 5 , John A.D. Aston 6

This review provides an overview of concepts relating to the communication of statistical and empirical evidence in times of crisis, with a special focus on COVID-19. In it, we consider topics relating to both the communication of numbers, such as the role of format, context, comparisons, and visualization, and the communication of evidence more broadly, such as evidence quality, the influence of changes in available evidence, transparency, and repeated decision-making. A central focus is on the communication of the inherent uncertainties in statistical analysis, especially in rapidly changing informational environments during crises. We present relevant literature on these topics and draw connections to the communication of statistics and empirical evidence during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. We finish by suggesting some considerations for those faced with communicating statistics and evidence in times of crisis.



本综述概述了危机时期统计和经验证据的交流相关概念,特别关注 COVID-19。在其中,我们考虑与数字交流相关的主题,例如格式、上下文、比较和可视化的作用,以及更广泛的证据交流,例如证据质量、可用证据变化的影响、透明度,并反复决策。一个中心焦点是统计分析中固有的不确定性的沟通,特别是在危机期间快速变化的信息环境中。我们提供了有关这些主题的相关文献,并与 COVID-19 大流行期间及之后的统计数据和经验证据的交流建立了联系。最后,我们为那些在危机时期面临交流统计数据和证据的人提出了一些考虑。