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Innovations in Cancer Treatment of Children.
Pediatrics ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-01 , DOI: 10.1542/peds.2023-061539
Lauren Helms 1 , Allison E Guimera 2 , Katherine A Janeway 3 , Kelly M Bailey 4

Pediatric cancer outcomes have significantly improved, and yet this success is not spread equally across cancer types or patients. Disparities data in pediatric oncology highlight needed improvements in access to care, including clinical trials and advanced testing for all patients. For cancers such as brain tumors and sarcomas, continued advancement in understanding the biology of tumor heterogeneity is an essential step toward finding new therapeutic combinations to improve outcomes. Pediatric cancer survivors need access to emerging technologies aimed at reducing or better managing toxicities from therapy. With advances in treatment and survival, pediatric oncology patients continue to need longitudinal, multidisciplinary subspecialty care. Refining the communication between pediatric oncologists, primary pediatricians, survivorship clinics, and adult primary care is key in ensuring the best lifelong care of pediatric cancer survivors. In this State-of-The-Art review, we discuss 5 major domains in pediatric oncology: reducing toxicity, cancer biology, novel therapies, detection and monitoring, and access to care, to highlight recent advances and areas for continued improvement.



儿科癌症的治疗结果已显着改善,但这种成功并没有在不同的癌症类型或患者之间平等地传播。儿科肿瘤学数据的差异凸显了需要改善获得护理的机会,包括对所有患者进行临床试验和高级检测。对于脑肿瘤和肉瘤等癌症,不断推进对肿瘤异质性生物学的理解是寻找新的治疗组合以改善结果的重要一步。小儿癌症幸存者需要获得旨在减少或更好地管理治疗毒性的新兴技术。随着治疗和生存率的进步,儿科肿瘤患者继续需要纵向、多学科的亚专科护理。改善儿科肿瘤学家、初级儿科医生、生存诊所和成人初级保健之间的沟通是确保儿科癌症幸存者获得最佳终身护理的关键。在这篇最先进的综述中,我们讨论了儿科肿瘤学的 5 个主要领域:减少毒性、癌症生物学、新疗法、检测和监测以及获得护理,以强调最新进展和需要持续改进的领域。