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Can the ‘Clean Slate’ ‘Go Big’ on Its Own? The Contribution of the Union Default
Journal of Labor and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-27 , DOI: 10.1163/24714607-bja10140
Gregor Gall 1 , Mark Harcourt 2

Unions’ presence and influence in the United States continue to atrophy. One key reason for this decline is the difficulties in certifying via the National Labor Relations Act. Consequently, labor-oriented scholars have developed proposals to overhaul and/or supplement this process. One of the most far-reaching is the ‘Clean Slate’. We contend that, though a welcome advance, ‘Clean Slate’ is a necessary but insufficient law reform to revive unions. Accordingly, we suggest a complementary policy, the union default, to the ‘Clean Slate’. With a union default, ‘Clean Slate’ would produce a much swifter and more dramatic resurgence in union membership and resources, sparking a badly needed virtuous upward spiral.



工会在美国的存在和影响力继续萎缩。造成这种下降的一个关键原因是难以通过《国家劳动关系法》进行认证。因此,以劳工为导向的学者提出了彻底修改和/或补充这一过程的建议。其中影响最深远的一项是“Clean Slate”。我们认为,尽管“从头开始”是一项值得欢迎的进步,但它对于重振工会来说是必要但不充分的法律改革。因此,我们建议采取一项补充政策,即“从头再来”的工会违约政策。如果工会违约,“从头再来”将使工会成员和资源更快、更戏剧性地复苏,引发急需的良性上升螺旋。
