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Online cognitive assessment in the era of COVID-19: Examining the validity of the MEZURE.
Psychological Assessment ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-01 , DOI: 10.1037/pas0001216
Stefan C Dombrowski 1 , A Alexander Beaujean 2 , Ryan J McGill 3 , Ryan L Farmer 4

Developed more than 2 decades ago, the MEZURE (Assessment Technologies, 1995-2020; https://www.mezure.com/) has received increased attention as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the first individualized test of cognitive ability created to use an online (local or remote) assessment modality. The MEZURE claims to be aligned both with the extended Gf-Gc theory and the Cattell-Horn-Carroll model of abilities. Whereas the test publisher claims it used exploratory factor analysis to investigate the instrument's factor structure, only the subtest factor loadings on the Gf-Gc factors were furnished. No other structural validity information was provided, suggesting that users of the instrument should interpret the scores produced by the MEZURE with caution. Accordingly, the present study used exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to more fully investigate the structural validity of the MEZURE. The results revealed that the MEZURE contains a combined perceptual reasoning (i.e., [Gf/Gv]/working memory [Gwm]) group factor, a verbal ability group factor, and a relatively weak general factor that is dominated by perceptual reasoning. The finding of a paltry general factor that is weakly loaded by verbal subtests is inconsistent with the broader research on traditional cognitive ability assessment and could be related to the online administration format of the test. Future research is required to better understand this finding. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).


COVID-19 时代的在线认知评估:检验 MEZURE 的有效性。

MEZURE(评估技术,1995-2020;https://www.mezure.com/)开发于 20 多年前,由于 COVID-19 大流行而受到越来越多的关注。这是第一个使用在线(本地或远程)评估方式创建的个性化认知能力测试。MEZURE 声称与扩展的 Gf-Gc 理论和 Cattell-Horn-Carroll 能力模型保持一致。尽管测试发布者声称它使用探索性因子分析来研究仪器的因子结构,但仅提供了 Gf-Gc 因子的子测试因子负载。没有提供其他结构有效性信息,这表明该工具的用户应谨慎解释 MEZURE 生成的分数。因此,本研究使用探索性和验证性因素分析来更全面地研究 MEZURE 的结构有效性。结果显示,MEZURE包含一个组合的知觉推理(即[Gf/Gv]/工作记忆[Gwm])组因子、一个言语能力组因子和一个相对较弱的以知觉推理为主的一般因子。言语分测试负载较弱的微不足道的一般因素的发现与传统认知能力评估的更广泛研究不一致,可能与测试的在线管理形式有关。需要未来的研究来更好地理解这一发现。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。