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Biomineral deposits and coatings on stone monuments as biodeterioration fingerprints
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168846
Jorge Sanjurjo-Sánchez 1 , Carlos Alves 2 , David M Freire-Lista 3

Biominerals deposition processes, also called biomineralisation, are intimately related to biodeterioration on stone surfaces. They include complex processes not always completely well understood. The study of biominerals implies the identification of organisms, their molecular mechanisms, and organism/rock/atmosphere interactions. Sampling restrictions of monument stones difficult the biominerals study and the in situ demonstrating of biodeterioration processes. Multidisciplinary works are required to understand the whole process. Thus, studies in heritage buildings have taken advantage of previous knowledge acquired thanks to laboratory experiments, investigations carried out on rock outcrops and within caves from some years ago. With the extrapolation of such knowledge to heritage buildings and the advances in laboratory techniques, there has been a huge increase of knowledge regarding biomineralisation and biodeterioration processes in stone monuments during the last 20 years. These advances have opened new debates about the implications on conservation interventions, and the organism's role in stone conservation and decay. This is a review of the existing studies of biominerals formation, biodeterioration on laboratory experiments, rocks, caves, and their application to building stones of monuments.



生物矿物质沉积过程,也称为生物矿化,与石材表面的生物劣化密切相关。它们包括并不总是完全被理解的复杂过程。生物矿物的研究意味着生物体的识别、其分子机制以及生物体/岩石/大气的相互作用。纪念碑石的采样限制给生物矿物研究和生物退化过程的现场演示带来了困难。需要多学科工作来理解整个过程。因此,对遗产建筑的研究利用了几年前通过实验室实验、对岩石露头和洞穴内进行的调查而获得的知识。随着这些知识外推到遗产建筑和实验室技术的进步,在过去 20 年里,关于石碑生物矿化和生物退化过程的知识有了巨大的增长。这些进展引发了关于保护干预措施的影响以及有机体在石材保护和腐烂中的作用的新争论。这是对生物矿物形成、实验室实验、岩石、洞穴生物退化及其在纪念碑建筑石材中的应用的现有研究的回顾。