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A Shared Intentionality Account of Uniquely Human Social Bonding.
Perspectives on Psychological Science ( IF 10.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-26 , DOI: 10.1177/17456916231201795
Wouter Wolf 1, 2 , Michael Tomasello 2, 3

Many mechanisms of social bonding are common to all primates, but humans seemingly have developed some that are unique to the species. These involve various kinds of interactive experiences-from taking a walk together to having a conversation-whose common feature is the triadic sharing of experience. Current theories of social bonding have no explanation for why humans should have these unique bonding mechanisms. Here we propose a shared intentionality account of uniquely human social bonding. Humans evolved to participate with others in unique forms of cooperative and communicative activities that both depend on and create shared experience. Sharing experience in these activities causes partners to feel closer because it allows them to assess their partner's cooperative competence and motivation toward them and because the shared representations created during such interactions make subsequent cooperative interactions easier and more effective.


