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Stigma Toward Substance Dependence: Causes, Consequences, and Potential Interventions.
Psychological Science in the Public Interest ( IF 18.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-26 , DOI: 10.1177/15291006231198193
Anne C Krendl 1 , Brea L Perry 2

Substance dependence is a prevalent and urgent public health problem. In 2021, 60 million Americans reported abusing alcohol within the month prior to being surveyed, and nearly 20 million Americans reported using illegal drugs (e.g., heroin) or prescription drugs (e.g., opioids) for nonmedical reasons in the year before. Drug-involved overdose rates have been steadily increasing over the past 20 years. This increase has been primarily driven by opioid and stimulant use. Despite its prevalence, drug dependence is one of the most stigmatized health conditions. Stigma has myriad negative consequences for its targets, including limiting their access to employment and housing, disrupting interpersonal relationships, harming physical and mental health, and reducing help-seeking. However, because research on stigma toward people with substance use disorders (SUDs) is relatively sparse compared with research on stigma toward other mental illnesses, the field lacks a comprehensive understanding of the causes and consequences of SUD stigma. Moreover, it remains unclear how, if at all, these factors differ from other types of mental illness stigma. The goal of this review is to take stock of the literature on SUD stigma, providing a clear set of foundational principles and a blueprint for future research and translational activity.



物质依赖是一个普遍且紧迫的公共卫生问题。 2021 年,有 6000 万美国人报告在接受调查前一个月内滥用酒精,近 2000 万美国人报告在前一年出于非医疗原因使用非法药物(例如海洛因)或处方药(例如阿片类药物)。过去 20 年来,与毒品有关的过量用药率一直在稳步上升。这一增长主要是由阿片类药物和兴奋剂的使用推动的。尽管药物依赖很普遍,但它仍然是最受耻辱的健康状况之一。耻辱对其目标造成无数负面影响,包括限制他们获得就业和住房的机会、扰乱人际关系、损害身心健康以及减少寻求帮助。然而,由于与其他精神疾病的耻辱研究相比,对物质使用障碍(SUD)患者耻辱的研究相对较少,该领域缺乏对SUD耻辱的原因和后果的全面了解。此外,目前尚不清楚这些因素与其他类型的精神疾病耻辱有何不同(如果有的话)。本综述的目的是盘点有关 SUD 耻辱的文献,为未来的研究和转化活动提供一套清晰的基本原则和蓝图。