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Relational Event Modeling
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-28 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-statistics-040722-060248
Federica Bianchi 1 , Edoardo Filippi-Mazzola 1 , Alessandro Lomi 2 , Ernst C. Wit 1

Advances in information technology have increased the availability of time-stamped relational data, such as those produced by email exchanges or interaction through social media. Whereas the associated information flows could be aggregated into cross-sectional panels, the temporal ordering of the events frequently contains information that requires new models for the analysis of continuous-time interactions, subject to both endogenous and exogenous influences. The introduction of the relational event model (REM) has been a major development that has stimulated new questions and led to further methodological developments. In this review, we track the intellectual history of the REM, define its core properties, and discuss why and how it has been considered useful in empirical research. We describe how the demands of novel applications have stimulated methodological, computational, and inferential advancements.



信息技术的进步增加了带时间戳的关系数据的可用性,例如通过电子邮件交换或通过社交媒体交互生成的数据。虽然相关的信息流可以聚合到横截面面板中,但事件的时间顺序经常包含需要新模型来分析连续时间相互作用的信息,这些信息受内生和外生影响。关系事件模型 (REM) 的引入是一项重大发展,它激发了新的问题并导致了进一步的方法论发展。在这篇综述中,我们追踪了 REM 的思想历史,定义了它的核心特性,并讨论了为什么以及如何被认为在实证研究中有用。我们描述了新应用程序的需求如何刺激方法论、计算和推理的进步。