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Multispectral data mining: A focus on remote sensing satellite images
WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-22 , DOI: 10.1002/widm.1522
Sin Liang Lim 1 , Jaya Sreevalsan‐Nair 2 , B. S. Daya Sagar 3

This article gives a brief overview of various aspects of data mining of multispectral image data. We focus on specifically the remote sensing satellite images acquired using multispectral imaging (MSI), given the technology used across multiple knowledge domains, such as chemistry, medical imaging, remote sensing, and so on with a sufficient amount of variation. In this article, the different data mining processes are reviewed along with state-of-the-art methods and applications. To study data mining, it is important to know how the data are acquired and preprocessed. Hence, those topics are briefly covered in the article. The article concludes with applications demonstrating the knowledge discovery from data mining, modern challenges, and promising future directions for MSI data mining research.



本文简要概述了多光谱图像数据数据挖掘的各个方面。我们特别关注使用多光谱成像 (MSI) 获取的遥感卫星图像,因为该技术跨多个知识领域使用,例如化学、医学成像、遥感等,并且具有足够的变化量。在本文中,回顾了不同的数据挖掘过程以及最先进的方法和应用程序。要研究数据挖掘,了解数据的获取和预处理方式非常重要。因此,本文将简要介绍这些主题。本文最后以应用程序展示了数据挖掘中的知识发现、现代挑战以及 MSI 数据挖掘研究的有前景的未来方向。