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Asking for less (but receiving more): Women avoid impasses and outperform men when negotiators have weak alternatives.
Journal of Applied Psychology ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-12 , DOI: 10.1037/apl0001138
Anyi Ma 1 , Rebecca Ponce de Leon 2 , Ashleigh Shelby Rosette 3

Both research and conventional wisdom suggest that, due to their relational orientation, women are less likely than men to engage in agentic and assertive behaviors, leading them to underperform in zero-sum, distributive negotiations where one party's gain is equivalent to the other party's loss. However, past research tends to neglect the costs of reaching impasse by excluding impasses from measures of negotiation performance. Departing from this convention, we incorporate the economic costs of impasses into measures of negotiation performance to provide a more holistic examination of negotiation outcomes. In so doing, we reveal a reversal of the oft-cited male performance advantage when obtaining an impasse is especially economically costly (as is the case when negotiators have weak negotiation alternatives). Specifically, we predicted that female negotiators would make less assertive first offers than men due to their more relational orientation and that these gender differences in offer assertiveness should result in women avoiding impasse more often than men. Since avoiding impasses should improve negotiation performance when negotiators are able to obtain a deal that is more valuable than their negotiation alternative, women's tendency to avoid impasses should improve their performance when negotiators have weak (vs. strong) alternatives. These predictions were supported in eight studies (three preregistered) across various negotiation contexts, comprising data from the television show Shark Tank (Study 1), four incentive-compatible negotiation simulations (Studies 2 and 3, Supplemental Studies), and a multistudy causal experimental chain (Supplemental Studies 4a-c). (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



研究和传统观点都表明,由于她们的关系取向,女性比男性更不可能采取主动和自信的行为,导致她们在零和分配谈判中表现不佳,在这种谈判中,一方的收益等于另一方的损失。然而,过去的研究往往通过将僵局排除在谈判绩效衡量标准之外而忽视陷入僵局的成本。与这一惯例不同,我们将僵局的经济成本纳入谈判绩效的衡量标准中,以便对谈判结果进行更全面的审查。通过这样做,我们揭示了当陷入僵局的经济成本特别高时(谈判者的谈判选择较弱时的情况),经常被引用的男性表现优势发生了逆转。具体来说,我们预测,由于女性谈判者更具关系取向,因此女性谈判者在首次报价时会比男性更不自信,而且女性在报价自信方面的性别差异应该会导致女性比男性更容易避免陷入僵局。由于当谈判者能够获得比其谈判替代方案更有价值的协议时,避免僵局应该会提高谈判绩效,因此,当谈判者有较弱(相对于强)​​替代方案时,女性避免僵局的倾向应会提高其绩效。这些预测得到了跨越不同谈判背景的八项研究(三项预先注册)的支持,其中包括来自电视节目《创智赢家》(研究 1)的数据、四项激励相容的谈判模拟(研究 2 和 3,补充研究)以及多项研究因果实验链(补充研究 4a-c)。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。