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Complexion of the Members, Complexion of the Body, in Late-Medieval Scholastic Medicine
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-24 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-20230079
Joël Chandelier 1

According to the medical theory of the Middle Ages, every individual had a general complexion for its whole body, but at the same time each organ had a specific complexion, determined by its anatomy, its function, and, of course, the individual. The problem of the relationship between those two types of complexion was, therefore, crucial for the medical practitioner: could a shift in the complexion of the body have an effect on a single organ? Could a change in the complexion of one member alter the general functioning of the body? And what were the interactions between the separate complexions of the various organs? All these questions, which had only briefly been tackled by Galen in his Tegni, began to be systematically addressed by physicians at the end of the thirteenth century. Some thinkers started to write specific treatises on the subject, often called De resistentiis, dealing with the “resistance” (or “counter-operations”) of particular complexions between them. The present paper deals with the origins of this debate, highlighting the role of Gentile da Foligno (d. 1348), and shows how the discussion evolved in the following century. Thus, the aim is to present an overlooked medical debate on complexion while proposing a reflection on the way in which scientific problems can come into being and how they can evolve.



根据中世纪的医学理论,每个人的整个身体都有一个大致的肤色,但同时每个器官也有一个特定的肤色,这是由其解剖结构、功能以及个人决定的。因此,这两种肤色之间的关系问题对于医生来说至关重要:身体肤色的变化是否会对单个器官产生影响?一名成员肤色的变化会改变身体的整体功能吗?各个器官的不同肤色之间有什么相互作用?所有这些问题,盖伦在他的著作中都只是简单地解决过。泰尼,从十三世纪末开始被医生系统地解决。一些思想家开始撰写有关该主题的具体论文,通常称为抵抗力,处理他们之间特定肤色的“抵抗”(或“对抗行动”)。本文探讨了这场辩论的起源,强调了 Gentile da Foligno(卒于 1348 年)的作用,并展示了这场辩论在下个世纪如何演变。因此,目的是提出一场被忽视的关于肤色的医学辩论,同时对科学问题的产生方式和演变方式提出反思。