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The Concept of Complexion in Antonio da Parma’s Medical Anthropology
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-24 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-20230077
Aurélien Robert 1

Antonio da Parma (d. 1327) was a philosopher and physician, active in Bologna in the early fourteenth century, and associated with so-called “Bolognese Averroism.” His philosophical works are increasingly better documented. While his medical works are much less studied, his commentary – written between 1310 and 1323 – on the first book of Avicenna’s Canon, had a considerable influence on later commentators. This paper presents his analysis of the notion of ‘complexion’, a notion central to his anthropology for the philosophical issues it seeks to address: the possibility, for example, of defining the specific nature of the human body – as compared with other natural species – or of conceiving a scientific and universal discourse when confronted with the extreme variability of individual bodily complexion, which is at the heart of medical practice. Taking from Galen and Avicenna their ‘relativistic’ analysis of the well-balanced complexion, Antonio uses the idea of a latitude of individual complexion within the limits set by the natural species, to thereby make this picture of the human body coherent with the principles of Aristotelian natural philosophy. In so doing, he addresses the relationship between matter and form in a human body, the individuation of human bodies, or the principle of identity of a singular body. The paper concludes with a transcription of the relevant passages from Antonio’s commentary on Avicenna’s Canon.



安东尼奥·达·帕尔马(Antonio da Parma,卒于 1327 年)是一位哲学家和医生,十四世纪初活跃于博洛尼亚,与所谓的“博洛尼亚阿威罗主义”有联系。他的哲学著作日益得到更好的记录。虽然他的医学著作研究较少,但他在 1310 年至 1323 年间写的对阿维森纳 (Avicenna) 医学第一本书的评论佳能,对后世的评论家产生了相当大的影响。本文介绍了他对“肤色”概念的分析,这是他的人类学试图解决的哲学问题的核心概念:例如,与其他自然物种相比,定义人体特定性质的可能性– 或者在面对个体肤色的极端变化时构想出一种科学且普遍的话语,这是医学实践的核心。安东尼奥借鉴了盖伦和阿维森纳对均衡肤色的“相对论”分析,运用了自然物种设定的限度内个体肤色纬度的概念,从而使人体的这幅图画与以下原则相一致:亚里士多德的自然哲学。在此过程中,他探讨了人体中物质与形式之间的关系、人体的个体化或单一身体的同一性原则。本文最后抄录了安东尼奥对阿维森纳的评论中的相关段落佳能