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The Constitution of Air: Observation and the Limits of Temperament in Italian Renaissance Medical Writing
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-24 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-20230086
Craig Martin 1

The constitution of air served as a key concept for investigations into epidemic disease in sixteenth-century Italy. Its roots stem from the Hippocratic Corpus and Galen’s interpretation of it. In these ancient works, the constitution of air was directly tied to the temperaments of the seasons and winds. Renaissance physicians, such as Giambattista Da Monte and Girolamo Mercuriale, used these texts to justify observing the air to determine if its constitution caused specific outbreaks of disease. At times, these observations called into question whether temperamental differences were sufficient explanations, leading physicians to posit vapors, exhalations, and celestial influences as causes of outbreaks of epidemic disease.



空气的构成是研究十六世纪意大利流行病的一个关键概念。它的根源源于希波克拉底语料库和盖伦对其的解释。在这些古代作品中,空气的构成与季节和风的气质直接相关。文艺复兴时期的医生,例如 Giambattista Da Monte 和 Girolamo Mercuriale,利用这些文本来证明观察空气以确定其构成是否导致特定疾病爆发的合理性。有时,这些观察结果让人质疑气质差异是否足以解释,导致医生将蒸气、呼气和天体影响视为流行病爆发的原因。