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Is Memory a Matter of Complexion? On Memory Disorders in the Latin Commentaries on De memoria (1250–1300)
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-24 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-20230082
Véronique Decaix 1, 2, 3

This article focuses on the use of the theory of complexions made by medieval commentators to explain the pathologies or dysfunctions of memory as outlined by Aristotle in his treatise on Memory and Reminiscence. More particularly, it focuses on the Aristotelian issues of the young and the old, the slow- and quick-witted, condensed in the Latin commentaries into an aporia that we will call the “aporia of the opposites” and into the aporia of the melancholics, questioning the influence that complexions can exert on memory. We examine three contrasting solutions, as given by Albert the Great (1200–1280), Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), and Radulphus Brito (d. 1320/21), to shed light on their use and interpretation of theories of complexion within their accounts on memory. The main question that arises in the midst of these interpretations is about which complexion is the most appropriate to memory.


记忆力与肤色有关吗?论《De memoria》拉丁文注释中的记忆障碍(1250-1300)

本文重点讨论中世纪评论家使用肤色理论来解释亚里士多德在其论文中概述的记忆病理或功能障碍。记忆与回忆。更具体地说,它关注亚里士多德关于年轻人和老年人、思维迟钝和机敏的问题,这些问题在拉丁文注释中浓缩成我们称之为“对立面的难题”和忧郁症患者的难题。 ,质疑肤色对记忆的影响。我们研究了阿尔伯特大帝(1200-1280)、托马斯·阿奎那(1225-1274)和拉杜尔夫斯·布里托(1320/21)给出的三种截然不同的解决方案,以阐明他们对肤色理论的使用和解释他们的记忆中的账户。在这些解释中出现的主要问题是哪种肤色最适合记忆。