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Centriole elimination during Caenorhabditis elegans oogenesis initiates with loss of the central tube protein SAS-1
The EMBO Journal ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-21 , DOI: 10.15252/embj.2023115076
Marie Pierron 1 , Alexander Woglar 1 , Coralie Busso 1 , Keshav Jha 1 , Tamara Mikeladze-Dvali 2 , Marie Croisier 3 , Pierre Gönczy 1

In most metazoans, centrioles are lost during oogenesis, ensuring that the zygote is endowed with the correct number of two centrioles, which are paternally contributed. How centriole architecture is dismantled during oogenesis is not understood. Here, we analyze with unprecedent detail the ultrastructural and molecular changes during oogenesis centriole elimination in Caenorhabditis elegans. Centriole elimination begins with loss of the so-called central tube and organelle widening, followed by microtubule disassembly. The resulting cluster of centriolar proteins then disappears gradually, usually moving in a microtubule- and dynein-dependent manner to the plasma membrane. Our analysis indicates that neither Polo-like kinases nor the PCM, which modulate oogenesis centriole elimination in Drosophila, do so in C. elegans. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the central tube protein SAS-1 normally departs initially from the organelle, which loses integrity earlier in sas-1 mutants. Overall, our work provides novel mechanistic insights regarding the fundamental process of oogenesis centriole elimination.


秀丽隐杆线虫卵子发生过程中中心粒的消除始于中心管蛋白 SAS-1 的丢失

在大多数后生动物中,中心粒在卵子发生过程中丢失,确保受精卵被赋予正确数量的两个中心粒,这是父系贡献的。中心粒结构在卵子发生过程中如何被拆除尚不清楚。在这里,我们以前所未有的细节分析了秀丽隐杆线虫卵子发生中心粒消除过程中的超微结构和分子变化。中心粒的消除始于所谓的中心管的损失和细胞器的加宽,然后是微管的解体。由此产生的中心粒蛋白簇逐渐消失,通常以微管和动力蛋白依赖性方式移动到质膜。我们的分析表明,在果蝇中调节卵子发生中心粒消除的 Polo 样激酶和 PCM 在秀丽隐杆线虫中都没有这种作用。此外,我们证明中央管蛋白 SAS-1 通常最初脱离细胞器,在sas-1突变体中细胞器更早失去完整性。总的来说,我们的工作提供了关于卵子发生中心粒消除的基本过程的新颖的机制见解。